Editing Is Manipulative in Its Nature in Video

Warning: This profile has spoilers of the sixth part of JoJo, Stone Ocean. Reading the manga or waiting for the anime is recommended.

Pucci pls render.png

" 31, 37, 41, 43, 47. Count the prime numbers. Nothing can divide the prime numbers. The reason why people fail... Is due to the feeling of "shame". They think they could have done things differently in the past, or they wonder why they did things that they did. Because of their regrets they slowly become weak, and they fail.
~ Pucci

All-Star Battle Pucci.png

" In Green Dolphin prison... I could have killed you, whenever I wanted. But...I thought that I could save you someday...so I left you. I merely took your memory. This... This isn't an excuse, I'm not begging for my live... It was for your own good my brother...and it was also so I could attain the power to go to Heaven. Eventually, someone must obtain the power to go to Heaven... Stop it Weather. 11... 13... Don't attempt to kill me and kill yourself. Primes... 17...
~ Pucci to Weather Report

All-Star Battle Whitesnake.png

~ Whitesnake, C-Moon and Made in Heaven's battle-cry

All-Star Battle C-Moon.png

" It's over! Jolyne can no longer... Feel pain, or have any ability to think. Her heart has turned inside out... The blood that is supposed to go to her brain must be flowing the opposite direction, as well. [...] This ability... I will name it C-Moon. Invisibility... Is that the power I've obtained? Even before the coming of the new moon... But, I must keep on telling myself that this is not power that I desire, but that ultimate happiness for mankind. And Jolyne was just a sacrifice I have to made. Weather and the other prisoners, too. It was inevitable, in order to reach my goal... Sacrifices have to be made.
~ Pucci

All-Star Battle Made in Heaven.png

" The spirit, not the mind or the body, has already experienced those facts! And that is happiness! Not just one person, but everyone will be able to face their destiny! Ones who are able to face this are the ones who will be happy! You might think that knowing the ill fortunes of the future is despair, but... It's the opposite! Even if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, it is that resolution that makes one happy! One's resolution eradicates despair! Humanity will change! This is what is strived for! This is MADE IN HEAVEN!
~ Pucci


Enrico Pucci is a priest working at Green Dolphin Street Prison, in truth a close friend and follower of DIO despite his religious convictions. Working to accomplish his old friend's plan even after his death, he frames Jolyne Cujoh to lure her father so that he can steal his memories with his Stand, Whitesnake, and set about attaining Heaven.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 10-B, At least 8-C with Whitesnake | Unknown with C-Moon, 7-B Environmental Destruction | At least 8-C with Made in Heaven, Varies with Time Acceleration, Low 2-C Environmental Destruction through Universal Reset

Name: Father Enrico Pucci, Whitesnake

Origin: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean

Age: 39 years old

Gender: Male

Classification: Human, Stand User, Priest

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Afterimage Creation (Its attacks often leave numerous afterimages), Extrasensory Perception (Capable of seeing ghosts and souls among some other supernatural forces that are normally otherwise invisible), Flight (Within its effective range), Acid Manipulation (Whitesnake can exude a corrosive acid that slowly melts those afflicted), Sleep Manipulation (Can lull people into a sleep), Dream Manipulation (Trapped Jotaro and Jolyne in an advanced hallucination they accepted as reality, even choosing specific things to show them within the dream), Illusion Creation (Can cast illusions, and use these illusions to disguise itself), Soul Manipulation (Whitesnake or Pucci can extract portions of a person's spirit as a tangible disc, containing either their memories or their Stand, putting victims into a coma and killing them without life support), Limited Death Manipulation (If a disc is inserted into a dying person, the original bearer will begin to die as well), Mind Manipulation (He can insert discs on others to control minds), Clairvoyance (It can see through beings that have a disc inserted), Biological Manipulation (Can command organisms with his DISC's, including to literally explode. Gave a colony of plankton sentience), Sense Manipulation (Whitesnake can use discs to remove and bestow senses), Sound Manipulation (Used a normal disc on someone to reproduce music), Power Bestowal (A Stand disc can be inserted into someone else to grant them the Stand contained within, or force harmful abilities into them), Invisibility (A Stand can only be seen by other Stand user), Incorporeality (Stands are the incorporeal manifestations of one's vital energy, and can only be harmed by other Stands), Non-Physical Interaction (Stands can interact with ghosts and other Stands), Selective Intangibility, Aura, Stealth Mastery, Surface Scaling & Adhesive Manipulation (Can change its body's consistency into that of goop, allowing it to stick to walls)

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Extrasensory Perception (Capable of seeing ghosts and souls among some other supernatural forces that are normally otherwise invisible), Levitation (Grants Pucci the ability to invert gravity, allowing him to propel himself off of surfaces and float without any external force), Gravity Manipulation (C-Moon makes Pucci the center of reverse gravity, repelling all objects away from him), Selective Intangibility, Invisibility (Stands can only be seen by other Stands and Stand Users), Incorporeality (Stands are the incorporeal manifestations of one's vital energy, and can only be harmed by other Stands), Non-Physical Interaction (Stands can interact with ghosts and other Stands), Limited Resistance to Time Stop (Pucci could see and think in Jotaro's time stop)

Acrobatics, Made in Heaven has Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Afterimage Creation (Both it and Pucci through the effects of the acceleration), Time Acceleration (Made in Heaven accelerates time for the entire universe and eventually resets it, doing so by controlling gravitational forces), Limited Fate Manipulation (Destiny will repeat itself with Pucci being the only exception, his plan was to make everyone being able to face their destiny), Statistics Amplification, Invisibility (Stands can only be seen by other Stands and Stand Users), Incorporeality (Stands are the incorporeal manifestations of one's vital energy, and can only be harmed by other Stands), Non-Physical Interaction (Stands can interact with ghosts and other Stands), Selective Intangibility, Limited Power Bestowal (Grants those that survive onward into the new universe Precognition), Limited Resistance to Time Stop

Attack Potency: Human level. At least Building level with Whitesnake (Stronger than Planet Waves; Caused far greater damage to Stone Free beyond what these attacks did, taking her arm clean off and a chunk of her abdomen. Could tear apart Foo Fighters, punch a hole through Narciso Anasui, chop off Weather Report's leg and more. Despite not being a Power Type and not suited to one on one exchanges, he's exceptionally powerful, beyond most Stands physically). | Unknown with C-Moon (Not noticeably strong, although its punches are noted to still be quite dangerous, and were able to deflect the bullets that Ermes shot). Its abilities ignore conventional durability), City level Environmental Destruction (C-Moon's control over gravity affects all things in a 3 kilometer radius) | At least Building level+ with Made in Heaven (Easily killed Jotaro and Hermes, as well as Jolyne), Varies with Item Time Acceleration (As time speeds up, the destructive power of inanimate objects also increases. This does not apply to Pucci himself, but it would apply to his throwing knives and various other objects), Universe level+ Environmental Destruction through universal reset (Made in Heaven will accelerate time until the universe is reset)

Speed: Average Human, likely Massively Hypersonic with at most FTL reactions (Has reacted to Jolyne Cujoh on multiple occasions, Stone Free, Diver Down and more. Can react to bullets). At most FTL with Whitesnake (Boasts excellent speed. Fast enough to attack Jotaro in the moment they were preoccupied despite them being aware of his presence and take his DISC before he or Star Platinum could retaliate back, intercepted Foo Fighters' bullets, can keep up with a progressive Stone Free and is much faster than her normally in close quarters). | At most FTL with C-Moon (Can keep up with Stone Free and barely dodging an attack and could fight her, reacted to Diver Down. Can deflect bullets) | Average Human, at most FTL, likely higher reactions normally, Varies via Time Acceleration (Can easily blitz Jolyne, Jotaro, Anasui, and Ermes all at once and continuously increases his speed), eventually Infinite (It will eventually accelerate time into infinity and his speed stat is listed as Infinite and ∞ to reflect that)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Human Class. At least Building Class with Whitesnake | Unknown with C-Moon | At least Building Class+ with Made in Heaven

Durability: Human level. At least Building level with Whitesnake (Could take attacks from an enraged Stone Free and withstand the force of his own blows) | Building level with C-Moon (Could take blows from a peak Stone Free, albeit with visible damage) | At least Building level+ with Made in Heaven

Stamina: Peak Human

Range: Standard melee range, Tens of meters with Whitesnake (It can stray twenty meters from Pucci) | Standard melee range, Kilometers with C-Moon (Its ability affects everything within 3 kilometers) | Standard melee range, Tens of meters with throwing knives, Universal+ through Time Acceleration

Standard Equipment: Whitesnake, and various DISCs | C-Moon | Made in Heaven, along with several throwing knives

Intelligence: Gifted. Enrico Pucci is an incredibly cunning and manipulative man experienced in Stand battles and possessing extensive knowledge on Stands themselves thanks to the nature of his own and its abilities. He's a capable strategist in battle.

Weaknesses: Any damage taken by Whitesnake will be reflected back onto Pucci. Whitesnake must touch a target to extract a disc, and if a Stand disc is too strong for a user to handle or otherwise incompatible, it will reject them. Someone can snap out of Whitesnake's illusion-inducing mist if they notice inaccuracies. | Any damage taken by C-Moon will be reflected back onto Pucci. | Any damage taken by Made in Heaven will be reflected onto Pucci, who retains his human weaknesses. Due to the effects of time acceleration, airborne attacks are more likely to affect Pucci, and its time acceleration slowly increases over time.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Whitesnake: Pucci's original Stand, a malicious and hateful, long-range humanoid Stand with a personality of its own. Its range is about twenty meters, allowing it to stray from Pucci and act in his place, and it retains impressive levels of strength despite its long-distance functions, making it a deadly Stand.

  • Whitesnake's illusion in All-Star Battle

  • Obtaining Made in Heaven in All-Star Battle

  • DISC Creation: Whitesnake's primary and most dangerous ability is the power to extract a portion of the spirit of a victim as a tangible Disc. These Discs can be memory Discs containing the victim's memories, or Stand Discs containing their Stand, and they can be inserted into others to grant them access to whatever it is they contain. This can be used to inject harmful Stand powers into opponents. Meanwhile, those who have their Discs extracted will fall into a coma, and without being put on life support, will die as their bodily functions begin to fail, unless their Memory Disc is returned. The return of a Stand Disc without a Memory Disc will grant the target their consciousness, but they will eventually atrophy and die all the same. Whitesnake can insert other Discs, such as those containing commands that a target must follow, even the physically impossible, or even just regular music CDs to play music. Pucci can also use Whitesnake on himself, doing so to remove his sense of sight so that he would not be affected by Heavy Weather.
  • Illusionary Acid: Whitesnake can exude an acidic mist that corrodes objects in its surroundings and traps them in a trance, distracting and misleading them with lifelike illusions. It can use these illusions to disguise itself as others and ambush victims. However, if someone sees the discrepancies between the illusion and the real world, they can snap out of it.
  • Mind Control: By inserting its hand into a target's head, Whitesnake can control them, leaving them to obediently follow Pucci's orders.

C-Moon: Pucci's second Stand, an evolved Whitesnake. It resembles a fusion of its components, that is, Whitesnake and the Green Baby. It has some semblance of intelligence and, due to its deadly abilities, is extremely powerful. It remains a long-range Stand, and the closer Pucci is, the more he can control it.

  • Gravity Inversion: C-Moon makes Pucci the center of reverse gravity, causing all objects within a 3 kilometer radius to be repelled from his position. Those above him will be pushed further upwards, and unfixed objects will fall away from him. C-Moon is unaffected, and Pucci can utilize its abilities to walk on any surface or even levitate. More lethally, by striking an object with its fist, C-Moon can alter gravity to twist it inside out, but the effects will be reversed if C-Moon strikes them again.

Made in Heaven: Pucci's ultimate Stand, an extremely powerful close-range Stand resembling a two-headed, bipedal centaur.

  • Time Acceleration: From the moment Made in Heaven appears, it controls gravitational forces across the entire universe to dramatically accelerate the passing of time, more and more the longer it is active. However, this only affects non-living beings, besides Pucci, causing everyone else to see the universe speeding up around them. This makes projectiles move at extreme speeds, making it difficult to react to them in time. It even accelerates stopped time, decreasing a user's window of action. This makes Pucci incredibly fast as well, and his speed only increases further over time. However, critically, Pucci retains his human weaknesses, and will be affected more quickly by hazardous environments. Eventually, Made in Heaven's acceleration of time will cause the universe's reset.
    • Consequential Fate: After the universe's reset, everything that happened in the previous universe will be repeated, in accordance with fate, save for some changes that Pucci can make himself. Anyone who died in the previous universe will be replaced by a similar person with a whole new soul. All those who survived, however, will have a precognitive understanding of everything that will occur to them. If Pucci himself is killed, the universe will reset again, but without his influence.

Key: Whitesnake | C-Moon | Made in Heaven



Notable Victories:

Albert Einstein (Super Science Friends) Einstein's Profile (Speed equalized, Albert had knowledge on stands)

Kirei Kotomine (Fate/stay night) Kotomine's Profile (Speed equalized. Pucci had Whitesnake and his gun with a full magazine, Kieri had his black keys and command seals)

Notable Losses:

Rohan Kishibe (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Rohan's Profile (Speed was equalized)

Gwenpool (Marvel Comics) Gwenpool's Profile (Speed Equalized, Made In Heaven can amplify its speed. Post Awakening Gwen w/o 2-C Equipment)

Funny Valentine (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Valentine's Profile (Valentine started with D4C Love Train, Pucci started with Made in Heaven, starting distance was 5 meters and the battle took place in Los Angeles)

Jean Pierre Polnareff (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Polnareff's profile (Both started 15 meters apart, speed was equalized, C-Moon and Made in Heaven were restricted)

Inconclusive Matches:

The Gray Boy (Worm) The Gray Boy's Profile


Editing Is Manipulative in Its Nature in Video

Source: https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Enrico_Pucci

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