How to Do a Velocity Edit on Video Star

If you're a Video Star editor who posts their edits to platforms such as Instagram or TikTok, you've probably dealt with the issue of reduced video quality. Most social media apps lessen the quality of a video due to file compression.

To post a high-quality video, you're going to need to export as high a quality edit as you possibly can before posting. Since Video Star is an iOS-only video editor, the end result won't measure up to that produced by computer editing software.

Luckily, we have a few tips and tricks up our sleeve to help you avoid losing quality during the editing process.

1. Import High-Resolution Videos

Before we get started, make sure to download the Video Star app on your iPhone (if you haven't already).

Download: Video Star (Free, in-app purchases available)

Using high-resolution videos for your edits will lay the foundation for a high-quality edit. However, if you import a 4K video into Video Star, the video will be reduced to 1080p. This is because 1080p is Video Star's maximum resolution. In other words, we recommend always sticking to 1080p when possible.

A lot of editors import screen-recorded videos from YouTube. The iPhone screen records at 720p. Try not to go any lower than that. And instead of screen recording, it might be better to download the original footage from YouTube in its highest format.

2. Increase the Sharpness

For this method, you're going to need to purchase the Custom Coloring Pack, or have a Video Star Pro subscription. Feel free to skip this step if you'd prefer not to make purchases on the app.

Increasing the sharpness doesn't actually increase the quality of the video. Instead, it gives the illusion of a higher resolution by making the visuals more prominent.

Here's how to increase the sharpness:

  1. Import your video, and tap onNew from the playback window. Then, selectTransform.
  2. LocateCustom Coloring from the list of tools at the bottom and tap onEdit.
  3. At the bottom, you'll see several sliders and a block that says Light. This is what the coloring window opens to automatically. Tap onLight, and you'll see numerous other editing tools pop up.
  4. Now, selectSharpen. You'll see that there are two sliders:Intensity andCoarseness.
  5. Put theIntensity slider anywhere between the value of70 and100.
  6. Set theCoarseness slider no further than the value of15, otherwise, the visuals will start to look unnatural, and genuinely "coarse."
  7. Drag theplayback slider at the top to ensure that the visuals look good enough across the whole clip, and hitCreate at the top right.

3. Blending in Multi-Layer

This method is useful for brighter clips that are over-exposed and have that blurred "blooming" look that you can't seem to fix. Getting rid of this look will give the illusion of a higher-quality visual.

Before getting started, you're going to need to purchase the Multi-Layer Pack or get a Pro Subscription. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

To apply Blend:

  1. Open your clip inMulti-Layer.
  2. Tap on the block with the numberone in it, and select the clip you want to edit. Now, tap on the block with the numbertwo label, and select the same clip again.
  3. Make sure you have the second clip selected by tapping on the two block, as this is the clip to which you're going to apply the effect. Then, selectColor at the bottom and locateBlend BG.
  4. When you tap on Blend BG, it'll make the video look very bright at first. Don't worry, this is simply the default blend setting. To change it, tap on theupwards arrow at the bottom left, and select the preset we've selected as shown below (the third block down in the first row on the left).

You'll notice that the video now looks darker, sharper, and more defined, but it might be a little too dark, so you can simply reduce the opacity of the clip to avoid this:

  1. Select the second clip by tapping on the block with the numbertwo, and selectEdit Keyframes. When it opens the clip's keyframe editor, you'll notice a white background and it might look like nothing is there. This is simply because it's hard to see the blended clip on its own.
  2. To see what it would look like over the other clip, tapOptions at the top right, and chooseShow Other Layers. Now, select the block that you imported the other clip to. In this case, it's number one.
  3. Before continuing, make sure the playback slider is at the very beginning. This ensures the change is applied over the entire clip, instead of changing in real-time as it plays.
  4. LocateOpacity at the bottom left, and drag the slider down anywhere between the values of60 and100.
  5. TapBack at the top left, play your clip to check that it looks the way you want, and hitCreate at the top right.

For the best results, follow step two in addition to this method.

4. Don't Set the Tracking Blur Too High

Tracking blur is an effect that should ideally be applied to clips that have been edited with movement. It prevents your edit from moving like a PowerPoint presentation, and creates smoothness between transitions.

However, putting the Tracking Blur value too high will result in clips that are too blurry, so always keep it below the value of50. You can alter the value in the multi-layer window or with the color slider in the keyframe editor to see the exact value.

5. Try to Avoid Merging Clips

Splitting your video into clips is necessary for a video edit. Every time you merge clips back together using the Merge Scenes tool, the quality slightly drops. However, merging the clips is also necessary for things like adding a watermark, borders, or adding overlays on the entire video.

There is a way to retain the quality with a merge:

  1. Go to the homepage and hover over the edit you want to merge.
  2. Tap theShare icon to the bottom right of the video thumbnail, and selectSend to Camera Roll. This will export the entire edit with all of its clips as one video to your camera roll.
  3. Hit the plus (+) icon at the top right and import the edit you just exported. Now you can add everything over all of the clips, all while preserving their original quality.

6. Select the Highest Export Resolution

Video Star allows you to export your edits in 360p, 720p, and 1080p. Always keep it on 1080p as this is the highest resolution.

To change the resolution, tap theSettings icon at the bottom left of the home page, scroll down toNew Project Resolution, and select 1080p.

Impress Your Viewers With High-Quality Edits on Video Star

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About The Author

Nolen Jonker (63 Articles Published)

Nolen has been a professional content writer since 2019. They enjoy all things related to iPhone, social media, and digital editing. Outside of work, you'll find them playing video games or trying to improve their video editing skills.

More From Nolen Jonker

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How to Do a Velocity Edit on Video Star


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