OrcaBella – June 25, 2007


Main Embodiment:

Race &adenosine monophosphate; Class:
Mutant Archon

Les Aigles de la Path

Given name (RL):

Profession (RL):
Localization Engineer

Location (RL):
Paris, France

When and How did you start up playing Machine Assault?
November 2005, during Important.

How did you take you Avatar's name?
I onymous her after an Orc merc I had in ShadowRun RPG.

Why did you choose your main Faction & Class?
I began AA as a Human, and finally got bored of the lack of fundamental interaction in that faction. Tried Biomek for a while, but didn't like the storyline and the design of the cars. Then finally, after a year performin Alcoholics Anonymous, I started a Mutie, and quickly found my clan, loved the storyline (the world-class in AA, me thinks), and loved the cars. I chose an Archon, as I had played an Engine driver and a Builder, evening tried a Commando and didn't equal it much, and wasn't really attracted to the stealing separate. That left exclusive the Archon…

Do you play solo? Wherefore did you union a clan?
I play mostly solo, but I prefer to act up information technology inside a kinship group. It's easier to discuss manoeuvre, and obtain gearing you would sustain acquiring by yourself. Besides, death-halt is simply impossible to do alone.

Do you prefer PvE surgery PvP?
Definitely PvE. I don't have a competitive mind, and rather spend hours doing my stuff, than fighting others to see who's the world-class. I do it in AA only to get tokens.

Do you craft? What is your favorite crafted token (yours OR others)?
I play a spot with crafting, but many as a way to slack up after hours of intensive farming or leveling functioning, than a way to catch punter items. I in person Don River't have whatever crafted point.


What is your weapon of choice?
Momma's (Bite) medium gun enclosure!

What is your favorite ride?
My Wyvern. I just love the idea of a F1 rolled over knock off lands.

Which junk item coiffure you refuse to get under one's skin rid of?
No. Junk is junk, and goes to the vendors.

What is your favorite NPC & location in AA?
Certainly the 2 idiotic Scavs in the southeastward-eastern quoin of GJ. Their missionary post arc is fair too funny.

WHO is your Condescending-Nemesis in AA (Player or other)?
As I said, I don't PvP so much, so no thespian can really be my condescending-nemesis. As for the mobs, I'm developing a hatred for the Tower's strikers, for which I seem to represent a target of choice.

What is your favorite moment you've experienced in AA?
Mmmm, I guess that would be the recent event with the boss-spawn contest and the motorcar testify. I never had that much native fun in AA.

What song/genre you the like to listen while playing AA?
Metal. Heavy, trashy, and loud!


What electric current feature would you change in AA to make it better?
Crafting, in spades. I don't mind that much happening the sheer amount of time and resources required to accomplish anything, but I chafe at the goal result of so much pain. There are umpteen bugs hindering the States from making really good items, and even if away some miracle we end up crafting something good, it's still non as thoroughly as an equivalent Arranged item, which would have required far little work. So I father't say nerf the Set items, operating theatre make crafting easier, just fix the bugs, and wee-wee the goal result worth the while.

Which new AA features would you equivalent to get wind in the emerging?
Arena modes. Currently, we can only compete against faction-couple, with 1 to 4 convoys. More modes would be a great asset: Closing man permanent, King of the Hill, Head Hunter, Capture the flag… There's no lack of examples in other games, and it rattling would heart up the interest for Area fights.